1. Tell us about yourself (you, your family, and scrapbooking accomplishments):
Howdy from Texas! I'm celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary w/ my college sweetheart in July, and couldn't be happier about it! He is truly the man God made for me, and we are blessed with two children, Cade (5) and Macy (3) and two dogs. I'm in my 3rd year of being a stay at home mom after teaching 7th grade for 6 yrs. and most days I love it! My husband is in the Army Reserve after serving actively for 6 1/2 yrs. so we are five yrs. short of retirement! I love all things Twilight, Texas A&M football (my alma mater) and photography (my second hobby love!). I blog about our everyday life over at The Magic of Ordinary Days, (offering blog candy for comments & new followers!) along with my craft projects, tutorials, and photography shoots. As far as scrapbooking goes, I've been lucky enough to teach classes at my local LSS before it closed, won a banner contest over at mega scrapbooking website Two Peas in a Bucket, and am now blessed to be a CS Diva Design Team Member!
2. How did you get started scrapbooking? I got hooked about six years ago when a friend of my mom's showed me her album of RV travels, & I was drawn in by the patterned papers, stickers, and endless possibilities for dressing up my pictures. When my son was born in 2006, my husband was away at a 5 month Army school and I needed an outlet to distract me, keep me sane as a new mom on my own, and scrapbooking was that creative outlet. I've come a looooong way since those first pages, and it's my goal to be published in a magazine someday!
3. What is included in your basic scrapbooking tools case/tote: The better question is what's not included? To name a few: paper trimmer, Cutterbee scissors, tape runner, distress inks, patterned paper and photos. Too many embellishments to mention!
4. What is your go to: tool -cutterbee scissors gadget -Cricut technique -combining patterned papers
5. What is your favorite color combination? This changes by the layout because I choose the colors based on the photos I'm scrapbooking, and whatever time of year/season it is. BUT - lime green goes with anything, and is my favorite color.
6. If you were a scrapbook supply, what would you be? Patterned Paper!
7. Do you have an embellishment or technique that you always use in your projects? I use a variety of techniques and embellishments, so that's hard to say, but you will see a consistent use of vintage and retro images. It's definitely part of my scrapbook style!
8. Where do you create? Well...for the past 5 years I've had a huge room all to myself. It's 18'x20' and runs the length of our house and my friends who have seen it jokingly tell me I have so much product that I could open up my own store! However, as my daughter is now older, she needs more room and my summer project is to switch rooms with her. Translation: some major downsizing! Visit my blog to see the before and after pictures!
9. What do you like about CS Divas? Compared to other sites, our community is small, but that's one of the things I love about this site because you get to know one another on a closer level. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see us grow and add more members, but I love the friendships I've made, the support from our members, and the variety of skills and ideas here.
10. This or That: Cardstock or patterned paper? I'm a sucker for patterned paper! Brads or eyelets? Brads - eyelets have totally passed! Neat & clean or Messy scrapper? ugh. messy. Traditional, hybrid, or digital? Traditional all the way, but I'm interested in hybrid. Early bird or night owl? I've always been a night owl. Tea or Coffee? Neither! Diet Dr. Pepper!

I know I talk too much, so if you've made it this far, you've read a lot! Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you'll join me in the Fun Techniques/Products group. There are soooo many things to learn, and I hope you'll want to grow in your style, get outside your comfort zone and try some new things with me! Here is a sample of my work and projects I've made for the CS Divas ~
Happy Crafting!
Stephanie...great intro! I love your projects. That one of Cade in the cowboy hat has to be my all time favorite though...ALL BOY!
Loving all the bios from the design team and getting to know more about you all! I also like to use retro and vintage images in my projects so can't wait to see more of your work! (and lime green is one of my faves too!!)
Love getting to know you better and so jealous over the scrapbooking room! Love all your work and can't wait to learn more!
Holy smokes, that is a huge scrapbook room! I can only dream! :)
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