A Place for Divalicious Inspiration!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Homeless Layouts with Luisa

Diva Luisa here!

Hope you are having a wonderful month!  Can you believe is almost midmonth?  Wow!!!

Today am sharing with you my almost "homeless" layouts.  Why almost you might ask!  Well because they do not have a permament home, but they do have a "temporary home".  By temporary I mean months (3-5 months...).
Here is a photo of how my "homeless" layouts are stored meanwhile they get to their permanent home.

I installed a rack (one of those racks you can buy at Target, Walmart or Costco for like $20 or $25) and divided in 2 sections.  You can divide it in more section, but I just had pieces for 2 sections!!!
I pre-sorted them over the weekend by album.  You can see here some labels I made to be able to pre-sort them before they go to the pile.
My labels are per Album or Family Member, for example:
- Jaz layouts
- Val layouts
- Luisa's (MLM are my initials) layouts
- Murillo's layouts (my sister Alma family)
- Monthly Review Layouts (P-12)
- Events Layouts
and more!!!

Now, what are my next steps?
Am going to grab a specific album layouts (let's say Jaz LO's) and will grab her album from this albums shelf:

Am also working in finding a way to display my layouts!  Am looking at curtain rod options, empty frames or shelf.  Needs to be something: Pretty, Affordable and Easy to Maintain!  If you have or found an idea, please share it with us please.
My goal is to do 2-3 albums per week, which means that I will be able to finish in 3-4 weeks to finish giving my "homeless" layouts a permanent home...

How about you?

Do you store your layouts as soon as you finish them?
Do you display them in some way?
Do you have a temporary place for them?

Have a blessing and happy day...

1 comment:

Karenladd said...

Oh wow, funny that you should mention this because I just spent 2 days trying to organize my layouts so I can put them into albums. I am so far behind that I have more layouts that need to find a home than are in albums. I did get as far as labeling each album by year...now to find the correct layouts and put them into the pages!